Crispy Air Fryer Bacon

Want to learn how to make a Delicious Crispy Air Fryer Bacon?

Crispy Air Fryer Bacon

Discover the convenience and deliciousness of this Crispy Air Fryer Bacon, a recipe that brings out the best in bacon with minimal fuss and less grease

Crispy Air Fryer Bacon

Perfect for busy mornings or when you need a quick addition to burgers or salads, this method ensures your bacon is consistently crispy and flavorful.


– 8oz sliced bacon (225g)


1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F.


2. Arrange the bacon slices in the air fryer basket or on racks. If necessary, cook in batches to avoid overcrowding.


3. Air fry for about 10 minutes or until you achieve the desired crispiness.