Air Fryer Skillet Potatoes

Want to learn how to make a Delicious Air Fryer Skillet Potatoes?

Air Fryer Skillet Potatoes

This dish combines crispy potatoes with a mix of colorful vegetables and savory seasonings, making it a perfect side for any breakfast or brunch.

Air Fryer Skillet Potatoes

Serve these Air Fryer Skillet Potatoes with eggs, bacon, or your favorite breakfast meats for a complete and satisfying meal.


– 1 tsp ground black pepper; – 1 tsp salt; – 1 clove garlic, finely chopped; – 1 tbsp olive oil; – 2 large, floury potatoes (such as King Edward), washed, peeled, and cut into 1½ cm cubes; – Garnish: chopped parsley (optional).


1. Begin by tossing the peeled and cubed potatoes with olive oil in a large mixing bowl. This ensures an even coating that will help crisp up the potatoes.


2. Add finely chopped garlic, salt, and black pepper to the bowl. Stir well to ensure all the pieces are evenly seasoned. 3. Transfer the potato mixture to an air fryer basket, spreading them out in a single layer for uniform cooking.


4. Set your air fryer to 350°F and cook the potatoes for 10 minutes. After the initial cooking, give the basket a good shake to rearrange the potatoes for even exposure. 5. Continue to cook for an additional 10 minutes until the potatoes are golden and crispy.


6. Remove the potatoes from the air fryer and transfer them to a serving dish. If desired, sprinkle chopped parsley over the top for a fresh, herbaceous note.